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How to Get a Valid Fake Driver's License

How to Get a Valid Fake Driver's License

Want to get a fake driver's license that works?

You're not alone.

Whether you're looking to get into a club or buy alcohol, a scannable fake driver's license can make all the difference.

At, we know exactly how to create valid IDs with features like barcodes and holograms that pass any test.

In this post, I'll show you everything you need to know about fake driver's licenses, from customization options to how to get it working every time.

Key Features of Fake Driver's Licenses

A high-quality fake driver's license requires more than just the right look. It should work just like a real ID and pass security checks without raising suspicion. Here's a breakdown of the key features you should expect:

Scannability and Magnetic Stripe

One of the most important features of a fake driver's license is scannability. A well-made fake ID will have a valid barcode and magnetic stripe that can pass electronic inspection, whether it's at a bar, club, or store.

Without these, the ID may look authentic but fail when scanned. A magnetic stripe is also essential, especially for locations that use swipe-based card readers.

Holograms, UV Inks, and 3D Raised Text

For added authenticity, high-quality fake IDs replicate the holograms and UV inks found on real driver's licenses. Holograms reflect light when held at a certain angle, while UV inks are only visible under ultraviolet light, a common feature for IDs checked at a bar or club.

Additionally, many real IDs include 3D raised text, which adds another layer of authenticity and makes your fake ID feel like a legitimate card.

Microprinting and State-Specific Features

Microprinting is the tiny, nearly invisible text found on real IDs. It's one of the hardest details to replicate, but is essential for a convincing fake ID. High-quality fakes also replicate state-specific features, such as logos, fonts, and colors that are unique to each state.

Whether you're using a fake license from California, New York, or Texas, the details should match the real thing to avoid detection.

Material Quality and Durability

Real driver's licenses are made of durable materials like PVC or polycarbonate, giving them a sturdy feel. A well-made fake ID should have the same quality of materials, ensuring it will last.

If the ID feels cheap or flimsy, it will most likely raise red flags when inspected.

Order a Fake Driver's License ID

Back of the ID

The back of a fake driver's license is just as important as the front. It should include a properly formatted barcode, state-specific details, and even emergency contact information, depending on the state. Ensuring both sides of the ID are accurate will increase the chances of it passing any visual inspection.

With these features, your fake driver's license will not only look authentic, but will also perform like a real one, helping you pass security inspections hassle-free.

What are the popular states for fake driver's licenses?

When it comes to fake driver's licenses, some states are definitely more popular than others. This usually comes down to how easy they are to replicate and how widely accepted they are in bars, clubs, and shops. Let's take a closer look at the most commonly requested states and why they stand out.

California, Texas, and New York: Always in Demand

If you're applying for a fake driver's license, you'll most likely need a license from California, Texas, or New York. These are by far the most popular choices, and for good reason. Bouncers, bartenders, and store clerks see these IDs so often that they may not check them closely.













Additionally, these states have large populations, so it's possible to find people from these places in almost any establishment.

California: People choose California because it's a busy state with a lot of nightlife and tourism, where IDs may not be as carefully checked. The design is modern, but with the right fake, you can get by easily.

Texas: As one of the largest states, Texas IDs are widely accepted and recognized. While the design includes some advanced security features, it's not overly complex, making it easier to copy.

New York: New York driver's licenses may be a little more complicated, but since they're recognized in so many states, they're still in high demand. It's usually worth the extra effort to get a convincing fake NYC ID because it's harder to spot.

Easier to Pass States: Georgia and Ohio

Not everyone wants the most popular states - sometimes you need an ID that's easier to pass in less strict establishments. That's where states like Georgia and Ohio come in. These states are known for having simpler designs, which makes them easier to copy and less likely to be questioned. Additionally, security in these states is not as tight, so the chances of getting caught are lower.

Georgia: Georgia IDs have fewer security features and are generally easier to copy. The holograms aren't too complex, and the magnetic stripes are relatively easy to replicate by fake ID makers.





Ohio: Ohio IDs are simple and straightforward in design, which means they're less likely to arouse suspicion. They work well in places where bouncers or bartenders aren't as strict about checking every detail.





States to Avoid

While some states are easier to fake, others should be avoided due to their strict security measures. States like Arizona, Michigan, and New Jersey are harder to get through due to their advanced security features, including multiple holograms, 3D elements, and complex UV inks.

These states are also known for cracking down on the use of fake IDs more harshly, which can result in more serious consequences if caught.

There's a reason states like California, Texas, and New York are popular when it comes to choosing a fake driver's license—they're widely recognized and generally accepted in most places.

However, if you're looking for something that's easier to get through in less strict venues, Georgia or Ohio are great choices. Avoid states with complex security features unless you want to risk getting caught.

What are the customization options for fake driver's licenses?

Personalization is key when it comes to getting a fake driver's license. After all, you want it to look like it's truly yours and not just a generic copy. Here's how to make your fake driver's license look exactly how you want it:


With a fake driver's license, you decide all the details. From your name and date of birth to your height, eye color, and even weight, you can customize everything to your liking. Want a license that says you're a few years older than you are?

That's OK. Or maybe you want to match your real details but change a few things, like your address or license number. It's all possible and make your fake ID look like it was made just for you. The more realistic the details, the more likely it is to pass a visual inspection without a second glance.

State-Specific Features

Not all states have the same design, which is why it's important to get a fake ID that matches the unique features of your chosen state. Each state uses different fonts, colors, and seals.

For example, a California driver's license will have a different font and background pattern compared to a Texas driver's license. A high-quality fake will accurately replicate these state-specific features, ensuring it matches the real license used in that state.

Fonts and Colors: States like New York have specific font styles, while places like Ohio may use a different color scheme. A good fake ID will accurately replicate these details.

Official Seals and Holograms: Each state has its own holograms and official seals that appear in different places on the card. These small details are crucial to making the fake ID believable.

Getting a fake driver's license tailored just for you, with all the right state-specific features, helps ensure it looks as authentic as possible. From personal details to the unique elements of the state, a fully customized fake ID is harder to detect, giving you peace of mind when using it.

Who uses fake driver's licenses?

There are many reasons why fake driver's licenses are popular, but the most common users fall into two main categories: minors and non-drivers.


The primary use of fake driver's licenses is when minors are trying to gain access to age-restricted venues, such as bars, clubs, or to purchase alcohol. For those under 21, fake IDs become a way to enjoy certain freedoms sooner.

Whether it's getting into a nightclub, buying alcohol, or attending an 18+ concert, a scannable fake driver's license can help them bypass age restrictions enforced in these spaces.

Many fake IDs are specifically designed to pass electronic inspections, such as using barcodes and magnetic strips in venues that require scanning.


Not everyone who uses a fake ID is trying to bypass age restrictions. Some people who don't drive may prefer to use a driver's license as their primary form of identification instead of a state ID.

Non-drivers may not have a real driver's license, but still want an ID that looks more authentic in everyday situations. While state IDs serve the same purpose in many situations, a driver's license is generally more easily recognized, and many people feel more comfortable using it, even if they don't actually drive. This makes fake driver's licenses the most commonly requested type of fake ID.

While minors are the most common users of fake driver's licenses, non-drivers also request fake licenses because they tend to be more widely accepted than state IDs. Whether it's for fun or convenience, fake driver's licenses remain a popular choice for many people.

What are the legal risks of using a fake driver's license?

Using a fake driver's license may seem like a quick and easy way to get into a club or buy alcohol, but the legal consequences can be severe. Depending on where you are, getting caught with a fake ID could result in anything from a fine to jail time.

Laws vary by state, but here's a breakdown of what could happen if you're caught using a fake driver's license.

Fines, Community Service, and Jail Time

In many states, using a fake ID is considered a misdemeanor. This means you could face a fine, community service, or even jail time, depending on the circumstances.

For example, getting caught using a fake driver's license at a bar or club could result in a fine of $500 to $2,000 or up to 12 months in jail, depending on state law. Some states are more lenient with first-time offenders and offer diversion programs or reduced penalties if you plead guilty.

In states like California and New York, being caught using a fake ID can result in up to a year in jail. In states like Texas, it's common for first-time offenders to face fines of up to $500. Repeat offenders can face more serious consequences, including the possible suspension of their real driver's license.

Felony Charges for Serious Crimes

While using a fake ID to get into a bar is generally considered a misdemeanor, there are some cases where using a fake driver's license can result in a felony charge. This usually happens when someone uses a fake ID for more serious activities, such as:

Buying a gun: In most states, using a fake ID to buy a gun is considered a felony and can result in years in prison if convicted.

Committing Fraud: Using a fake driver's license to commit fraud, such as opening a bank account, renting property, or applying for credit, is a serious offense that can result in a felony charge. This type of fraud often comes with lengthy prison sentences and hefty fines.

Varies by State

The legal consequences of using a fake driver's license vary from state to state. Some states, like Florida and Michigan, have much harsher penalties for using a fake ID, with a minimum fine of $1,000 and the potential suspension of your driver's license.

Meanwhile, states like Louisiana or Nevada may offer lighter penalties for first-time offenders but stiffer penalties for repeat offenders.

While using a fake driver's license may not seem like a big deal, the legal risks can be significant. Depending on the state and circumstances, you could face hefty fines, jail time, or even felony charges if you use the ID for more serious activities like fraud. If you're caught, the consequences can follow you for years, affecting your criminal record and future opportunities.

How to Identify a Fake Driver's License

Spotting a fake driver's license can be tricky, but well-trained security and law enforcement officers know exactly what to look for. If you're making or using a fake ID, it's important to know the warning signs that a professional checks for.

Key Features to Look For

When trying to identify a fake ID, here are some of the key features that security agents typically check for:

Holograms: Real driver's licenses use holograms that change in appearance when viewed from different angles. Low-quality fake IDs often fail to accurately replicate these holograms, making them appear static or less reflective.

Barcodes and Magnetic Stripes: Fake IDs with non-functional barcodes or magnetic stripes are easy to spot. When scanned, these IDs either don't work or return an error, raising immediate suspicion.

Photo Placement: Photos on real driver's licenses are precisely positioned and aligned. If the photo on a fake ID is slightly off-center, blurry, or doesn't match the cardholder's appearance, it's a red flag.

Font Consistency: The fonts used on real driver's licenses are carefully standardized. If the font on a fake ID looks different, too large, or too small, this is often a sign that the ID is not legitimate.

State-Specific Details: Each state's driver's license has unique features, such as specific logos, seals, and watermarks. Fake IDs that fail to properly replicate these elements can be easily spotted by bodyguards and law enforcement.

Risks of Low-Quality Fake IDs

It's important to understand that low-quality fake IDs are more likely to be spotted. Cheap fake IDs that don't include proper holograms, valid barcodes, or state-specific features could get you caught.

There can be serious legal consequences for making or using a low-quality fake ID, including fines and jail time. If you plan on using a fake ID, investing in a high-quality, scannable ID can significantly reduce your risk of being caught.

When creating or using a fake driver's license, knowing how professionals spot a fake can help you avoid detection. From holograms to photo placement, there are many small details that can reveal a fake. A low-quality ID may seem like a good deal, but the risks involved far outweigh the savings.

How to Get a Fake Driver's License

Getting a fake driver's license is a simple process when you know where to look and how to do it safely. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

Choose a Reliable Provider

The first thing you need to do is find a trustworthy provider. Make sure they offer scannable fake IDs that have basic security features like holograms, UV ink, and barcodes. Some well-known providers, like IDeverest, are known for providing high-quality fake IDs that pass muster at clubs and shops. Always check reviews to make sure you're working with a reliable supplier.

Customize Your ID

Once you've chosen a provider, it's time to personalize your ID. Most services allow you to enter details like your name, date of birth, height, and eye color. You will also choose the state for your fake ID - states like California, Texas, and New York are popular because they are widely accepted and easy to pass. Customizing your ID ensures that it looks as legitimate as possible.

Secure Payment Methods

For privacy, it is important to use a secure payment option. Many providers accept Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, which keeps your transactions anonymous. This extra layer of security protects your personal details and ensures that your payment cannot be traced.

Discreet Shipping

Once you have placed your order, the next step is shipping. Reputable suppliers offer discreet packaging, so your fake ID will arrive without arousing suspicion. Packages are usually unmarked and usually arrive quickly, within 1-2 weeks. This ensures that your order is private and secure, and no one knows what is inside.

Getting a fake driver's license through the right provider is a quick and easy process. Be sure to customize your ID, use a secure payment method, and choose discreet shipping to keep everything confidential. With these steps, you will have a reliable fake ID in no time.

Order Your Driver's License ID Now


Choosing a high-quality fake driver's license is essential if you want it to look and work just like the real thing.

The best fake IDs come with scannable barcodes, holograms, UV inks, and even microprinting—all features that help them get past bars, clubs, and stores.

Choosing a well-made, detailed fake ID ensures you won’t get caught with a low-quality card that’s easy to spot.

If you’re looking for a reliable, realistic fake driver’s license, check out our selection. We offer scannable fake IDs that have all the right security features for your peace of mind.

Browse our collection today for a high-quality fake ID you can trust!

Why Choose IDeverest ?
1.Trustworthiness & Reliability
Deeply rooted in the ID industry for more than 15 years: Since our inception, we've built a solid reputation as a pioneer in the ID industry, leveraging 15+ years of expertise to deliver unmatched quality and service.
Customer Satisfaction: Our priority lies in ensuring every client's needs are met, with a relentless focus on exceeding expectations and fostering long-lasting relationships.
Complete after-sales support: We offer comprehensive after-sales assistance, ensuring a seamless experience from purchase to post-delivery, addressing any concerns promptly and efficiently.
Chasing Long-term Cooperation: We believe in nurturing partnerships that stand the test of time, offering personalized solutions and unparalleled support for sustained success.


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2.High-Quality, Scannable Fake ID
One to one 100% Imitation and Restoration: Each fake ID is crafted to mirror the original, with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a seamless visual and functional replica.
One to one 100% ID Barcode coding Tech: Incorporating advanced barcode technology, our IDs pass even the most stringent scanning tests, maintaining authenticity in every aspect.
Completely Replicated Authentication Features: From holograms to microprinting, we replicate every security feature, making our fakes indistinguishable from genuine IDs.
Latest Version Updated: Staying abreast of industry developments, we ensure our products are always up-to-date, reflecting the latest design and security features.
3. 7/24 Professional Pre-Sales Support
Thoughtful Usage Guidance: Our team provides comprehensive guidance on product usage, ensuring customers are well-informed before making a purchase.
Professional Portrait Adaptation: We offer professional portrait editing services, ensuring your photo perfectly blends with the ID template, enhancing authenticity.
Customized Payment: We cater to diverse financial needs, offering flexible payment options tailored to individual requirements.
Diverse Payment Methods: Accepting a wide range of payment methods, we make the transaction process convenient and secure for all customers.

Free Shipping across the US & CA: Enjoy hassle-free delivery with complimentary shipping services across the United States and Canada.

4.Responsible After-Sales Service

Free Backup for Every DLs:We understand the importance of redundancy, hence provide a free backup for every driver's license, ensuring peace of mind.
No Worries about Lost Packages in Shipping: In case of any shipping mishaps, we take full responsibility and ensure a prompt replacement or refund
Random Extra Discounts for Loyal Customers: Our loyal customers are rewarded with exclusive discounts, recognizing their continued trust and support.

Big Treat Back for New Product Development Participation: Your feedback matters! We offer incentives to customers who participate in our new product development, shaping the future of our offerings together.





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